ATK wishes to welcome schools and tertiary institutions within the wider Cape Town area to utilize our highly-equipped Esports Arena to facilitate practices for your Esports club’s needs and to offer discounts to students involved in their schools esports program.
Schools will be provided a total of 4 hours of practice per month with a 15-minute set-up time allocated per practice session. Additional practice sessions will be charged at R50 per hour for each student attending a practice session. To see the Arena hardware please click the link for more details: https://www.atkarena.com/gamingarena.
Registered club students will receive greatly discounted hourly rates for their own personal use when gaming at ATK Arena. This will be charged at R50 per hour purchased onto their account.
How to apply:
Your school must simply provide a list of all the students that have committed themselves to their Esports club to wesley@atkarena.com and cc devon@atkarena.com. This includes names, surnames and in-games names with no more than 35 school students on the list. Only one list of students may be submitted per year, so make sure the list is accurate. ATK will assume that the requisite permissions have been gathered from their guardians for transport to and from the arena and to play gaming titles that fall above the recommended age for a student.
How to book the Arena for a school practice session:
Unique booking codes will be supplied via email to each school’s contact person. Two codes will be supplied per month for two separate practice sessions. This code can be used to book your two-hour practice sessions via our store’s activitar page.
Q: Can our registered club students (listed students) come play at ATK Arena on non-club practice days?
A: Yes, this will not deduct from the allocated 4 hours given to the school. The student will simply have to purchase hours onto their individual account at R50 per hour. The student must prove that they are the person on their school's Esports club list until the ATK staff member is sufficiently satisfied.
Q: Can our school students or school club practice during school Holidays?
A: ATK Arena becomes very busy during the school holidays. Individual members may still utilize their Arena discount of R50 per hour purchased, but no slots will be available for school club practice days.